Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Gabe is 3!

At 3......

Gabe loves

....construction zones
....pancakes and sausage!
....Jake and the Neverland Pirates
....his sisters (except when Clara tries to touch his toys)
....playing in the snow
....switch & go dinos
....chocolate cake
....apple juice
....Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
....the yellow park
....McDonald's and Chickfila playlands
....monster trucks
....Finding Nemo

Gabe had a construction party!  We celebrated his birthday several times, complete with singing and candles!  The day of his birthday he woke up and said "time to make the cake!" He relished the whole experience.  

Gabe was 37 pounds at his check up (91%ile), and 94%ile for height.  He was nervous about talking to Dr. Diamond, but he eventually warmed up and talked a little bit.    

Gabe hates nicknames.  If we call him "Buzz" or "buddy" or "Goo," he gets mad!  "I'm not _____, I'm GABEY!"  

Gabe is wearing 3T and 4T clothes and size 6 dipes.  We are working on the potty training... making some progress.  We are also working on getting rid of the "guk"/pacifier since our second visit to Dr. Tatel's office revealed it is affecting his teeth.
Photo: Gabe's all ready to celebrate being three.
My favorite Gabe times are when he still will snuggle with me or ask me to watch something on TV with him.  He loves to sing before bedtime - "Gabey Gabe", "Nonny Na", "Mighty to Save" without the bridge (no "Shine a light", mommy!), "Angels Watching Over Me," and recently, "This Little Light of Mine".  

Gabey, we love you so much!  You're growing into the sweetest little boy!  So glad you're 3!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Clara ~ 8 months

Dear Clara,

You are the sweetest 8 month old around!  You have really grown  and changed a lot this month!  You are eating solids like a pro, complete with getting excited before each new bite!  You are also sitting and playing well by yourself, and you just started inching forward on your tummy!

You entertain yourself and us, by giggling and "talking" to yourself and us.  You're starting to recognize Grandma & Grandpa Vroom & Dan, and getting excited to see them (this is a big step!)

You're back to sleeping through the night for the most part.  You still sleep in your fleece swaddle, but you have managed to roll yourself over in that, so I'm going to have to start leaving your arms out at least!

You're taking better naps in your car seat (I think because you're eating solids better), but *never* in your crib!  We have to remedy that, since you are now too big for your infant car seat :)

You had a rough week this month with Mommy out of town for a few days and then having a skin infection.  You were at urgent care and then Dr. Diamond 3x.  You were a tough cookie, but we were so glad when you were feeling better!

You "trick-or-treated" for the first time as a sweet dragon.  It was miserable weather, so we went to three houses in the neighborhood, Grandma & Grandpa's, and then the Orland Mall.  You slept in the stroller the whole time, nice and toasty in your costume.

Pretty soon you're going to take off crawling!  Love you, our little nugget!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Clara - 7 months

Clara Ann is 7 months old!

Here's what she's up to:
*Rolling tummy to back
*Trying some fruits and veggies, slowly but surely!  First up, pears, prunes, peas, squash, apples.
*Wearing 12 mo. clothes
*Wearing size 4 dipes
*Loves to hold toys and shake them
*Loves to nap on someone's lap :)
*Back to waking up for a 6 oz bottle during the night!  Growth spurt!
*Can sit a bit before leaning over to the side
*Loves cell phones & TV remote controls
*Loves when Mommy wears scarves & necklaces
*Loves to watch Ella & Gabe play!  Can't wait to get into the action!

Love you, kiddo!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Clara - 6 months

Clara is 6 months old!

Happy half birthday to our sweetie pea!  You are wearing 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers, but will grow out of both soon!

You still would rather stand with support than sit, but you've done a little sitting and playing with support.  We put you in the jumper recently and you loved it!  You have grown out of the papisan chair and the swing.  The straps don't fit anymore and you are ready to get moving!  You can roll back to front, and are starting to want to inch forward on your haunches.  When you are on your play mat and your music stops, you try to reach the star and turn it back on.

You are eating cereal pretty well.  It took you a while to get the hang of it.  You get so excited when we get out the bottles to feed you formula.  Soon you will start eating fruits and veggies.  I'm sure you will have fun!

You are in the 95th% for weight and 100% for height.  Dr. Diamond said at your well-baby check up that you are perfect & strong!  You had 4 vaccines and an oral vaccine, but you bounced back right away.  You got lots of snuggles and love that day!  Ella and Gabe felt bad for you with all of your bandaids!

I'm pretty sure you've said your first words, although it is very early.  You LOVE Hank, and every time he comes around you smile!  You say "Hank" in kind of a "goo" voice.  It is so sweet!  I think you've also said "gukie" for your guk!  Maybe also Ella, Gabe, Daddy and Mommy... or maybe we're just hearing things!!

You are not napping much at all, but you are sleeping at night really well!!!  Sometimes you still wake up for a bottle, but most nights we just wake up once to put your guk back in and that's it!!  The 5 minute naps during the day are a little trying on our nerves, but it is so nice to sleep at night!!

We celebrated your half birthday with Grandma & Grandpa Vroom, Uncle Dan, and Uncle Andy & Aunt Joyce.  We had half a cake and cupcakes.  Ella & Gabe sang "Happy birthday" to you the whole day.  We love having you are part of our family!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Clara at 5 months

Dear Clara Ann,

You are 5 months old!

*You started rolling back to front!
*You got to come to Colorado with Mommy and Daddy by yourself and took your first plane ride.
*You stopped nursing and became a very happy formula fed baby!
*We put you on Similac Sensitive formula and your tummy seems to feel a lot better- no more spitting up, and you seem to nap a little better!
*You have been sleeping great through the night, waking up once at 3am for a bottle.
*You're starting to enjoy spending time on the floor playing with toys and the playmat
*You are still loving Ella, Gabe & Hank the best

We love you, sweet Clar Bear!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Clara is 4 months!

Oh sweet baby, you are getting so big already!  You really seem to want to get busy lately.  You love it when we sit you up, put you on your tummy, put a rattle in your hand, or lay you on the floor under a ceiling fan.  You somehow scoot when we lay you on the floor, and you are so close to rolling over!

You are wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.  Our favorite thing to dress you in is the cotton Carter's dresses with the onesie snaps - so cute and so easy!!  We had a very hot week last week, and you made it into the pool for the first time one evening after the sun was hidden.  You liked it!!

Our sweet girl still has a case of "stranger danger."  She loves our immediate family, but she doesn't like to be handed off.  Although it is sometimes hard to hold you all of the time, you reward us with smiles quite a bit, and lately, giggles, too!  One day you will learn that there are many, many other people that want to love on you!

You're not much of a napper, but we have made some progress by putting you on your tummy in the pack and play a couple of times.  One day this week you napped for 2 hours - that was record-breaking!!  You continue to sleep well swaddled at night.  Consistently 10pm - 3am or even 5am sometimes!  That is amazing!

You *love* Ella and Gabe.  Ella is your little mama, and Gabe loves to bring you a "nonny" or a toy.  I can tell that you're in a hurry to get going and play with them soon!

You're still nursing and taking a bottle two days a week while Mommy goes to work.  You stay with Daddy and he loves taking care of you!  He likes to take you on walks and take you to the green or yellow parks with the kids.  It is a special time that I know he will look back on fondly!

Clara, we love you!  We're so glad you're part of our family!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Ella is 4!

This sweet girl is 4 already!  Ella is such a great little girl.  She is such a little momma!  She loves to help me out and she *loves* being a big sister to Clara and Gabe!  She takes care of all of her dolls and stuffed friends so sweetly.

She loves to sing and dance.  She started taking ballet this summer at the park district and she just loves it.  She loves to swim in the pool.  She loves to ride her bike and go to the park.  She loves to say the "God is great" prayer and remind us to pray at meals.

Ella loves to tell jokes - and they are all nonsensical.  "What do you call a table that walks?"  "Neck!!!"  She cracks herself up. She makes up games, like "stuck in the mud" (Where you put yourself in a small space and then call for help for someone to save you!).  She is always bringing Gabe to play "vacation" somewhere.  She is a total bag lady!  She is always stuffing her toys into purses, tote bags, boxes, grocery bags, and hauling them all over the house.  She loves to color with markers and crayons, and paint.  She shows off her creations and goes right to the fridge to hang them up!  She loves putting money in her bank.  She also loves outings - particularly the zoo, Chickfila, running errands with mommy or daddy, and visiting mommy's building (my office).

Favorite foods:  Scrambled eggs, egg casserole, pancakes & sausage, barbeque sandwiches (sloppy joes), BBQ chips, McDoubles, McNuggets, hot dogs, cold cut sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, grilled chicken, corn on the cob, strawberries, grapes, apples, orange juice, life savers, lemon heads, & her very favorite, ice cream cones!

Loves drawing rainbows!  Doesn't have a favorite color, but usually pink or purple.  Loves to pick out her own clothes - wears size 5T or 4/5.  Loves to snuggle, cuddle, and Daddy's "shoulder-back" rides.  Loves to read.  Her favorite books are Blue Hat, Green Hat (Sandra Boyton); Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham; and Go Dog, Go!  Loves to lick the beaters.

Ella, I hope you always are a go-getter, hilarious joke teller, and spontaneous dancer.  I hope you are always overbearing with hugs and kisses (especially to me)!!!  Goodnight!!!  SWEET DREAMS!!!!   We love you!!!!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Clara is 3 months old!

Clara Ann is already 3 months old!

She just started wearing size 6 month clothes, and she wears size 2 diapers.

She loves to be held and to lay on the floor and kick her legs.  She loves to watch Ella & Gabe's faces and watch them play.  She just started talking a lot, and it gets her really excited!  She also smiles more frequently, which is so much fun!

She is a great eater and great sleeper at night!  She usually goes to sleep between 9 and 11 and either wakes up at 3 or 4 or sleeps all the way until 6 or 7!  She naps best during the day when she is held, which we are happy to comply with most of the time :)

Clara took a one-day trip to Michigan with Mommy and Daddy this month, and she was a trooper!  Slept all the way there, woke up to eat, slept half of the meeting, and slept most of the way home!

C does have some fussy times, which we are trying to get to the bottom of.  It is so sad to hear her do the "crazy cry."  But most of the time she is a happy little doll!

We love you, Clara Bear.  We're so happy you're part of our family!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Gabe is 2 1/2!

Our little man is 2 1/2!

Gabe is a smart little guy!  He can recognize all of the letters of the alphabet, counts into the teens, and always wants to "count the letters" to spell things.  For example, if he counts the letters on the apple juice bottle, "M-O-T-T-S spells apple juice!!!"  He is a great talker, and he has a great vocabulary.  He properly uses the word "either," and the other day Grandma asked him a question and he said, "I've been wondering about that."  It cracks us up!

Gabe loves animals of all kinds, especially dogs and kitties.  He loves playing cars and Megablocks.  This summer, he has gotten much braver on the playground equipment and is starting to love slides.  He loves to watch Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, Bob the Builder, and Caillou.  He loves to see a digger or tractor in real life!

Gabe is a great eater, and he will usually try anything.  His favorites - McDoubles, McNuggets, scrambled eggs, salami sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, corn on the cob, the noodles Daddy makes (farfalle with sundried tomato alfredo), and pizza.

He just started wearing 3T clothes.  Potty training is happening at his own pace.  He has been going on the potty since he turned two, but lately it has been happening with greater frequency!

Gabe is the best little cuddler.  He loves to rock before sleep and sing a song.  He loves having tons of "friends" in the crib with him, including a giraffe, two big dogs, and several little dogs.  His best friend is Nonny, a green teddy bear blanket. Lately Nonny has taken on his own personality and talks "na na na na!"

Gabe has had quite a change in becoming a big brother in the past couple of months.  He is very sweet with Clara for the most part!  He loves to bring her toys and stand by the changing table while she gets her diaper changed.  I know he is going to be a great big brother!

We celebrated Gabe's half birthday with cupcakes with chocolate frosting (another of Gabe's favorites)!  We had them three times, and each time he insisted on candles and singing.  We did it gladly.  We love you, Mr. G!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ella's Last Day of Preschool

Ella's last week of Preschool
Ella's first day of Preschool

May 22 was Ella's last day of 3 year old Preschool at Nazarene Preschool! Ella went to school on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am-11:30am. She really enjoyed her year. She learned a lot. Her fine motor skills improved a lot throughout the year. She had a great teacher, Mrs. Theresa, who will remain famous for the line "Yummy yummy in my tummy" in our house! Ella also made some friends, including Matthew, Ella K, Olivia, Anna, Leo, Tommy, Izabella, and Killian. On her last day, she was busy giving hugs and kisses to Leo and Olivia as I pulled her out the door!  The idea of "Summer Vacation" is a foreign concept to preschoolers.  Ella asked Grandpa Vroom if he would watch Hank while she goes to the hotel!  Unfortunately, we're not jet-setting too much this summer.  I think she'll be missing preschool soon!

First day of preschool with Gabe

Last day of preschool with Gabe

Ella with Mrs. Theresa on her last day of preschool

Mrs. Theresa's gift

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

First Trip to the Dentist

Today was Ella & Gabe's first trip to the dentist.  They saw Dr. Pandya at Dr. Tatel's office in Tinley Park.  They both did fantastic!!  We had a great experience all around.  When we made the appointment, the dentist sent stickers in the mail.  This morning, Dave printed personalized coloring books from the dentist's website that explained a dental visit, and the kids loved them!  Ella was *so* excited to go, but Gabe took a little convincing.  By the time they got to the waiting room, though, Gabe's uncertainty subsided as well.  The assistants and the dentist said they both did great!  And most importantly, their teeth looked great, too.  When it was time to leave, they wanted to stay.  They can't wait to go back!  I told them it would be around Christmastime, and Gabe said, "We get to go to the dentist for Christmas?  Hooray!"  I guess we should be rethinking our gifts this year!

Thanks, Dr. Pandya!

Monday, May 20, 2013


We had an unexpected weekend at home this weekend.  We were supposed to be out of town candidating at a church, and on Wednesday we found out that we wouldn't need to go.  What was shaping up to be a stressful weekend of interviews and wrangling kids turned out to be a slow weekend of enjoying each other at home.  It was just what we needed!

Friday we ran errands - Dave with Ella and Gabe and me with Clara, and then Grandma and Grandpa Vroom came for brats and this yummy lemon dessert.  http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Lemon-Lush/Detail.aspx

This year's pots - petunias, superbells, and verbena
Saturday we all went to Home Depot and Menards to pick out flowers for our outdoor pots, and went to Culver's and church in the evening.  Sunday we spent most of the day outside planting pots and playing with the rocks.

Caught this sweetie smiling on camera Sunday!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Clara's Baptism

Ella looking at Clara's baptism bracelet from Grandma & Grandpa V.
Clara was baptized on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 12.  It was a beautiful day!
We were happy that it worked out to have Clara baptized at Christ Community Church, where our other kids were baptized.  Rev. Mike Pitsenberger from Faith Church in Dyer was the guest minister for the day, and he was able to ask us the baptism questions together before Dave had the privilege of baptizing Clara!
Ready for her big day!

On the baptism blanket stitched by Grandma V. and Aunt Joyce

"Clara Ann, for you Jesus Christ came into the world; for you he died and conquered death; all this he did for you, little one, though you know little of it as yet.  We love because God first loved us.

 Clara Ann, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Clara Ann; child of the covenant, in baptism you are sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ's own forever.  Amen."

"In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only King and head of the church, I declare that this child of God is now received into the visible membership of the holy catholic church, engaged to confess the faith of Christ, and to be God's faithful servant until his life's end."

Our family of five!

Pastor Mike
With Grandma & Grandpa Parrish
Grandma & Grandpa Vroom

Enjoying a bottle at the party!

We catered Firehouse Subs and salads & had lemon fluff baptism cake for dessert!

Uncle Dan's arms were a comfy place to sleep!

The kids had a lot of fun with Uncle Scott, who made the trip from Oostburg for the party!