Tuesday, May 21, 2013

First Trip to the Dentist

Today was Ella & Gabe's first trip to the dentist.  They saw Dr. Pandya at Dr. Tatel's office in Tinley Park.  They both did fantastic!!  We had a great experience all around.  When we made the appointment, the dentist sent stickers in the mail.  This morning, Dave printed personalized coloring books from the dentist's website that explained a dental visit, and the kids loved them!  Ella was *so* excited to go, but Gabe took a little convincing.  By the time they got to the waiting room, though, Gabe's uncertainty subsided as well.  The assistants and the dentist said they both did great!  And most importantly, their teeth looked great, too.  When it was time to leave, they wanted to stay.  They can't wait to go back!  I told them it would be around Christmastime, and Gabe said, "We get to go to the dentist for Christmas?  Hooray!"  I guess we should be rethinking our gifts this year!

Thanks, Dr. Pandya!

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