Monday, October 14, 2013

Clara - 6 months

Clara is 6 months old!

Happy half birthday to our sweetie pea!  You are wearing 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers, but will grow out of both soon!

You still would rather stand with support than sit, but you've done a little sitting and playing with support.  We put you in the jumper recently and you loved it!  You have grown out of the papisan chair and the swing.  The straps don't fit anymore and you are ready to get moving!  You can roll back to front, and are starting to want to inch forward on your haunches.  When you are on your play mat and your music stops, you try to reach the star and turn it back on.

You are eating cereal pretty well.  It took you a while to get the hang of it.  You get so excited when we get out the bottles to feed you formula.  Soon you will start eating fruits and veggies.  I'm sure you will have fun!

You are in the 95th% for weight and 100% for height.  Dr. Diamond said at your well-baby check up that you are perfect & strong!  You had 4 vaccines and an oral vaccine, but you bounced back right away.  You got lots of snuggles and love that day!  Ella and Gabe felt bad for you with all of your bandaids!

I'm pretty sure you've said your first words, although it is very early.  You LOVE Hank, and every time he comes around you smile!  You say "Hank" in kind of a "goo" voice.  It is so sweet!  I think you've also said "gukie" for your guk!  Maybe also Ella, Gabe, Daddy and Mommy... or maybe we're just hearing things!!

You are not napping much at all, but you are sleeping at night really well!!!  Sometimes you still wake up for a bottle, but most nights we just wake up once to put your guk back in and that's it!!  The 5 minute naps during the day are a little trying on our nerves, but it is so nice to sleep at night!!

We celebrated your half birthday with Grandma & Grandpa Vroom, Uncle Dan, and Uncle Andy & Aunt Joyce.  We had half a cake and cupcakes.  Ella & Gabe sang "Happy birthday" to you the whole day.  We love having you are part of our family!

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