Monday, January 27, 2014

Clara is 10 months!

Sweet baby girl,

You are 10 months old!

You're eating baby food at breakfast (oatmeal w/ fruit), lunch (fruit), and dinner (pureed meat & veggies)!  You're also loving bread, puffs, melts, and all of the junk food your brother & sister never got away with (little tastes of whip cream, ice cream, cookie bars).  Sometimes it does pay to be the 3rd child :)

You're crawling like crazy, pulling up to a stand, and sitting back down again.  You don't like to be contained by the jumper or the pack & play anymore.  You like to be chased!  You love knocking down towers and anything with music.

You're wearing 18 month clothes and size 4 diapers.

You say "Da Da," "Na Na," (for Mama) "MaMa" (for Mama), "Ella," "Hankie," & "Uh oh." I'm sure you are saying more - you babble all of the time!  You definitely talk to & recognize Gabe, just haven't heard the word yet.

You got to go on a solo trip with Mommy and Daddy this month to visit Nebraska.  We were supposed to fly, but our flight got cancelled and we made a last-minute decision to drive instead.  You did great on the 8 hour drive, and your cheeks charmed the pastoral search team at Papio Creek.  No one could believe how laid back you were.  You experienced almost the whole interview process, and we enjoyed spending some two-on-one time with you at the Embassy Suites!

You have survived one of the harshest Chicago winters ever, mostly from the comfort of our warm house!  A few days this month were -30 degrees windchill, and the snowfall has been record-breaking.  The weather people have called it to the "Polar Vortex" and "Chi-beria"!  You have spent many days standing at the back door watching Ella and Gabe make snow angels and snow forts.  One day we got you out on the sled for a photo opp, but other than that you have been homebound for most of your 9th month.  We are looking forward to warmer temps so we can get you out to discover the world!  

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