Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ella's Last Day of Preschool

Ella's last week of Preschool
Ella's first day of Preschool

May 22 was Ella's last day of 3 year old Preschool at Nazarene Preschool! Ella went to school on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am-11:30am. She really enjoyed her year. She learned a lot. Her fine motor skills improved a lot throughout the year. She had a great teacher, Mrs. Theresa, who will remain famous for the line "Yummy yummy in my tummy" in our house! Ella also made some friends, including Matthew, Ella K, Olivia, Anna, Leo, Tommy, Izabella, and Killian. On her last day, she was busy giving hugs and kisses to Leo and Olivia as I pulled her out the door!  The idea of "Summer Vacation" is a foreign concept to preschoolers.  Ella asked Grandpa Vroom if he would watch Hank while she goes to the hotel!  Unfortunately, we're not jet-setting too much this summer.  I think she'll be missing preschool soon!

First day of preschool with Gabe

Last day of preschool with Gabe

Ella with Mrs. Theresa on her last day of preschool

Mrs. Theresa's gift

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

First Trip to the Dentist

Today was Ella & Gabe's first trip to the dentist.  They saw Dr. Pandya at Dr. Tatel's office in Tinley Park.  They both did fantastic!!  We had a great experience all around.  When we made the appointment, the dentist sent stickers in the mail.  This morning, Dave printed personalized coloring books from the dentist's website that explained a dental visit, and the kids loved them!  Ella was *so* excited to go, but Gabe took a little convincing.  By the time they got to the waiting room, though, Gabe's uncertainty subsided as well.  The assistants and the dentist said they both did great!  And most importantly, their teeth looked great, too.  When it was time to leave, they wanted to stay.  They can't wait to go back!  I told them it would be around Christmastime, and Gabe said, "We get to go to the dentist for Christmas?  Hooray!"  I guess we should be rethinking our gifts this year!

Thanks, Dr. Pandya!

Monday, May 20, 2013


We had an unexpected weekend at home this weekend.  We were supposed to be out of town candidating at a church, and on Wednesday we found out that we wouldn't need to go.  What was shaping up to be a stressful weekend of interviews and wrangling kids turned out to be a slow weekend of enjoying each other at home.  It was just what we needed!

Friday we ran errands - Dave with Ella and Gabe and me with Clara, and then Grandma and Grandpa Vroom came for brats and this yummy lemon dessert.

This year's pots - petunias, superbells, and verbena
Saturday we all went to Home Depot and Menards to pick out flowers for our outdoor pots, and went to Culver's and church in the evening.  Sunday we spent most of the day outside planting pots and playing with the rocks.

Caught this sweetie smiling on camera Sunday!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Clara's Baptism

Ella looking at Clara's baptism bracelet from Grandma & Grandpa V.
Clara was baptized on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 12.  It was a beautiful day!
We were happy that it worked out to have Clara baptized at Christ Community Church, where our other kids were baptized.  Rev. Mike Pitsenberger from Faith Church in Dyer was the guest minister for the day, and he was able to ask us the baptism questions together before Dave had the privilege of baptizing Clara!
Ready for her big day!

On the baptism blanket stitched by Grandma V. and Aunt Joyce

"Clara Ann, for you Jesus Christ came into the world; for you he died and conquered death; all this he did for you, little one, though you know little of it as yet.  We love because God first loved us.

 Clara Ann, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Clara Ann; child of the covenant, in baptism you are sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ's own forever.  Amen."

"In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only King and head of the church, I declare that this child of God is now received into the visible membership of the holy catholic church, engaged to confess the faith of Christ, and to be God's faithful servant until his life's end."

Our family of five!

Pastor Mike
With Grandma & Grandpa Parrish
Grandma & Grandpa Vroom

Enjoying a bottle at the party!

We catered Firehouse Subs and salads & had lemon fluff baptism cake for dessert!

Uncle Dan's arms were a comfy place to sleep!

The kids had a lot of fun with Uncle Scott, who made the trip from Oostburg for the party!