Saturday, March 28, 2015

Clara is 2!

Our sweet girl is 2!!  This past year has flown by, and you have lived in Nebraska almost half of your life now!!
Your stats:  32 lbs, 3 oz (94th %ile)
                  35.79in. (94th %ile) (Almost 3 feet tall!!!)

Clara loves
Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood
Apple juice
Cheese whips (especially from Gibbsville Cheese)
Fruit snacks
Anything OUTSIDE!
Sleeping with your pillow, Nonny, Bob the tomato, and Barky the dog
Putting on clothes immediately when you wake up
Going to PDO and church nursery
strawberry yogurt
your guk (pacifier)

You wear size 3T (nearing 4T) clothes, size 8 shoes, and size 6 diapers!

You are strong-willed & determined!!  You give us such a run for our money and make us laugh in the same breath! You test our patience and melt our hearts in the same moment. You make us want to pull our hair out and want to kiss you all over at the exact same time. I don’t know how it’s possible. You seem to have no fear and want to do anything your big brother & sister do.  You've been pulling up a kitchen chair to the counter or island to get whatever you want, and you'll go upstairs and get a step stool if you want something from the pantry or want to wash your hands yourself.  You can't be left alone for fear that you'll get one of your crazy ideas and fall down or get something you shouldn't have.

You are the sweetest love-bug!  You love to snuggle, and you give the best hugs!  My favorite thing is when you give me a hug and pat me on the back.  You love your baby dolls and treat them so sweetly!  You love to cuddle them, swaddle them, hug them and pat them on the back, and put them to bed.  It is hard to resist rocking you to sleep still - you are a spoiled baby!!!  But you have managed to figure out how to put yourself to bed most of the time.  I have to make your crib look inviting with all of your friends and convince you that they need you to sleep with them.  Then you get your purple blankie and pink blankie and a lullaby CD.  And we say "goodnight! sweet dreams!"  I am going to need a recording of this - it is so precious!!!  You wake up pleasantly in the morning, but give a good shout now when you want to get out of your crib: "MOMMY!!!"  

You are a very verbal 2 year old!  Usually when I can't understand what you're saying I have to think to myself "I'm expecting her to say something simple but she's probably saying something more complicated"!!  
One day at PDO they asked you what you had for breakfast and you said "Cake with pink frosting" (When you hadn't!! But that's what you wanted for your birthday).
One week at church nursery, Whitney told you she was working on a craft for her niece.  The next week you asked her, "Are you working on that for your niece?"

We celebrated your birthday with Grandma & Grandpa Vroom.  We had Pizza Ranch for lunch and Chickfila for dinner and cake with pink frosting for dessert!  The theme was Daniel Tiger, and you got a trolley and Daniel Tiger figures, and adorable skirt and shirt from Grandma & Grandpa Vroom.  Mom & Dad got you a steering wheel for the swingset, and Aunt Joyce & Uncle Andy got you a telescope and an adorable yellow dress.  You LOVE to sing "Happy Birthday to you" and were preparing several weeks in advance to blow out your candles.

Clara, we LOVE you sooo much!  Happy 2nd birthday, sweetheart!!!