Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Gabe is 3!

At 3......

Gabe loves

....construction zones
....pancakes and sausage!
....Jake and the Neverland Pirates
....his sisters (except when Clara tries to touch his toys)
....playing in the snow
....switch & go dinos
....chocolate cake
....apple juice
....Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
....the yellow park
....McDonald's and Chickfila playlands
....monster trucks
....Finding Nemo

Gabe had a construction party!  We celebrated his birthday several times, complete with singing and candles!  The day of his birthday he woke up and said "time to make the cake!" He relished the whole experience.  

Gabe was 37 pounds at his check up (91%ile), and 94%ile for height.  He was nervous about talking to Dr. Diamond, but he eventually warmed up and talked a little bit.    

Gabe hates nicknames.  If we call him "Buzz" or "buddy" or "Goo," he gets mad!  "I'm not _____, I'm GABEY!"  

Gabe is wearing 3T and 4T clothes and size 6 dipes.  We are working on the potty training... making some progress.  We are also working on getting rid of the "guk"/pacifier since our second visit to Dr. Tatel's office revealed it is affecting his teeth.
Photo: Gabe's all ready to celebrate being three.
My favorite Gabe times are when he still will snuggle with me or ask me to watch something on TV with him.  He loves to sing before bedtime - "Gabey Gabe", "Nonny Na", "Mighty to Save" without the bridge (no "Shine a light", mommy!), "Angels Watching Over Me," and recently, "This Little Light of Mine".  

Gabey, we love you so much!  You're growing into the sweetest little boy!  So glad you're 3!