Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Clara ~ 8 months

Dear Clara,

You are the sweetest 8 month old around!  You have really grown  and changed a lot this month!  You are eating solids like a pro, complete with getting excited before each new bite!  You are also sitting and playing well by yourself, and you just started inching forward on your tummy!

You entertain yourself and us, by giggling and "talking" to yourself and us.  You're starting to recognize Grandma & Grandpa Vroom & Dan, and getting excited to see them (this is a big step!)

You're back to sleeping through the night for the most part.  You still sleep in your fleece swaddle, but you have managed to roll yourself over in that, so I'm going to have to start leaving your arms out at least!

You're taking better naps in your car seat (I think because you're eating solids better), but *never* in your crib!  We have to remedy that, since you are now too big for your infant car seat :)

You had a rough week this month with Mommy out of town for a few days and then having a skin infection.  You were at urgent care and then Dr. Diamond 3x.  You were a tough cookie, but we were so glad when you were feeling better!

You "trick-or-treated" for the first time as a sweet dragon.  It was miserable weather, so we went to three houses in the neighborhood, Grandma & Grandpa's, and then the Orland Mall.  You slept in the stroller the whole time, nice and toasty in your costume.

Pretty soon you're going to take off crawling!  Love you, our little nugget!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Clara - 7 months

Clara Ann is 7 months old!

Here's what she's up to:
*Rolling tummy to back
*Trying some fruits and veggies, slowly but surely!  First up, pears, prunes, peas, squash, apples.
*Wearing 12 mo. clothes
*Wearing size 4 dipes
*Loves to hold toys and shake them
*Loves to nap on someone's lap :)
*Back to waking up for a 6 oz bottle during the night!  Growth spurt!
*Can sit a bit before leaning over to the side
*Loves cell phones & TV remote controls
*Loves when Mommy wears scarves & necklaces
*Loves to watch Ella & Gabe play!  Can't wait to get into the action!

Love you, kiddo!