Thursday, June 27, 2013

Clara is 3 months old!

Clara Ann is already 3 months old!

She just started wearing size 6 month clothes, and she wears size 2 diapers.

She loves to be held and to lay on the floor and kick her legs.  She loves to watch Ella & Gabe's faces and watch them play.  She just started talking a lot, and it gets her really excited!  She also smiles more frequently, which is so much fun!

She is a great eater and great sleeper at night!  She usually goes to sleep between 9 and 11 and either wakes up at 3 or 4 or sleeps all the way until 6 or 7!  She naps best during the day when she is held, which we are happy to comply with most of the time :)

Clara took a one-day trip to Michigan with Mommy and Daddy this month, and she was a trooper!  Slept all the way there, woke up to eat, slept half of the meeting, and slept most of the way home!

C does have some fussy times, which we are trying to get to the bottom of.  It is so sad to hear her do the "crazy cry."  But most of the time she is a happy little doll!

We love you, Clara Bear.  We're so happy you're part of our family!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Gabe is 2 1/2!

Our little man is 2 1/2!

Gabe is a smart little guy!  He can recognize all of the letters of the alphabet, counts into the teens, and always wants to "count the letters" to spell things.  For example, if he counts the letters on the apple juice bottle, "M-O-T-T-S spells apple juice!!!"  He is a great talker, and he has a great vocabulary.  He properly uses the word "either," and the other day Grandma asked him a question and he said, "I've been wondering about that."  It cracks us up!

Gabe loves animals of all kinds, especially dogs and kitties.  He loves playing cars and Megablocks.  This summer, he has gotten much braver on the playground equipment and is starting to love slides.  He loves to watch Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, Bob the Builder, and Caillou.  He loves to see a digger or tractor in real life!

Gabe is a great eater, and he will usually try anything.  His favorites - McDoubles, McNuggets, scrambled eggs, salami sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, corn on the cob, the noodles Daddy makes (farfalle with sundried tomato alfredo), and pizza.

He just started wearing 3T clothes.  Potty training is happening at his own pace.  He has been going on the potty since he turned two, but lately it has been happening with greater frequency!

Gabe is the best little cuddler.  He loves to rock before sleep and sing a song.  He loves having tons of "friends" in the crib with him, including a giraffe, two big dogs, and several little dogs.  His best friend is Nonny, a green teddy bear blanket. Lately Nonny has taken on his own personality and talks "na na na na!"

Gabe has had quite a change in becoming a big brother in the past couple of months.  He is very sweet with Clara for the most part!  He loves to bring her toys and stand by the changing table while she gets her diaper changed.  I know he is going to be a great big brother!

We celebrated Gabe's half birthday with cupcakes with chocolate frosting (another of Gabe's favorites)!  We had them three times, and each time he insisted on candles and singing.  We did it gladly.  We love you, Mr. G!!